
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Tinkerbell Movie

I have been working SO hard to cut back on screen time that I find myself being very leery to introduce new shows/characters to my kids. PBS is my favorite place to start and we have only scratched the surface with Preschool Engineering shows with Curious George and Sid the Science Kid. So I doubt I would have found Tinkerbell on my own. Lucky for me, I didn't have to.

One of my best friends explained briefly that, "Tinkerbell is a Tinker fairy." I was intrigued. I wondered if Tinkerbell would fit right alongside Rosie Revere, Engineer. Could we have another female "role model" for budding preschool engineers? Yes. Yes we do.

Tinkerbell uses tools...

...finds mechanically interesting things to put together...
...and she is curious about how stuff works. 

The first movie about Tinkerbell was great. There isn't anything too scary for toddlers and preschoolers and most of it isn't WAY too over their heads. Sure, like many fictitious media, it is full of "lies" about how nature works. Grown-ups all know that fairies don't paint the flowers in the spring, they don't teach birds to fly and they don't gently place droplets of water on spiderwebs to make dew. But biology learning isn't the point of the movie. The point is that Tinkerbell is a tinker fairy and being a tinkerer is a very valuable thing.

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