
Friday, October 9, 2015

Book Review: Dream Invent Create

Start Engineering surprised me with a complimentary copy of their book titled "Dream Invent Create." I was skeptical. Their audience is elementary school students and their teachers and parents. But I am happy to say that I was delightfully surprised!


"Dream Invent Create" is jam-packed with interesting information about a variety of types of engineering. Each type of engineering -- including chemical engineering, agricultural engineering, civil engineering, and more -- has a two-page spread. Each two-page spread has three short verses of rhyme that are easy to say and informative. Around the perimeter are details and "fun facts" about the discipline. The images that represent each discipline are conversation-starters for sure! 

For instance, below is the spread for Agricultural Engineering. My preschool engineer just loved it. "Who's ever seen a crane lift a pickle?!" she giggled. But this image and the ideas represented here are food for thought for my daughter who helps me in the garden as well as myself. I have been reading news stories all summer about agricultural engineering and food and nutrition challenges for the entire human race. 

Agricultural Engineering
"Dream Invent Create" can inform and delight people young and old. It is an important tool for not only children who are interested in solving the problems that face humanity in the next half-century but grown-ups, too. I recommend it without reservation.

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