Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Pursuing Our Interests Beyond Preschool

Greetings Preschool Engineering Fans!

It has been a pleasure working on Preschool Engineering for the past many years. As my children have grown older, our lives have evolved and many of the topics of my writing have shifted focus. If you are curious about where our lives are taking us then you can visit my new business, Boco Learning, where I write to Reveal Everyday Math to Empower Parents.

I hope to see you around!


Monday, June 4, 2018

To celebrate Independence Day, pick up this Shine-a-Light-On book!

"Readers explore caves and rivers, visit national parks and view historic buildings. Shine a flashlight behind the page or hold it to the light to reveal what is hidden in and around our country. Discover a land of great surprises."