For each gift I used pre-cut labels and printed a Valentine's Day wish. Then I stuck the label onto some construction paper and fastened the note to the gift. You can invite your child to participate in the making as you see fit. He or she child can decorate with markers, stickers, or glitter glue. For each Valentine I suggest a young-child-friendly task that is specific to that Valentine...
You Blow Me Away
Bubble Wands
Construction Paper
Labels with Cheesy Valentine Note (You Blow Me Away)
Optional: Decorations for Labels (stickers, markers, etc)
Ideas for Child Tasks:
Thread ribbon through bubble wand
Decorate Label
Sign Name

Let's Stick Together
Glue sticks
Construction Paper
Labels with Cheesy Valentine Note (Let's Stick Together)
Optional: Decorations for Labels (stickers, markers, etc)
Ideas for Child Tasks:
Decorate Label
Sign Name
Stick Label on Construction Paper
Wrap Construction Paper Around Glue Stick
Post-it flags
Construction paper
Labels with Cheesy Valentine Note (I'm Stuck on You)
Glue (to adhere Post-it container to Paper)
Optional: Decorations for Labels (stickers, markers, etc)
Ideas for Child Tasks:
Decorate Label
Sign Name
Stick Label on Construction Paper
Glue Post-it Flags to Paper

You've Got Me Wrapped Around Your Finger
Pipe Cleaner
Construction paper
Hole Punch
Labels with Cheesy Valentine Note (You've Got Me Wrapped Around Your Finger)
Optional: Decorations for Labels (stickers, markers, etc)
Ideas for Child Tasks:
Decorate Label
Sign Name
Stick Label on Construction Paper
Use Hole Puncher
Wrap Pipe Cleaner around finger
Thread Pipe Cleaner Spiral through hole

You Pull My Heartstring
Yarn (about 10 feet per valentine)
Cellophane bags
Construction paper
Labels with Cheesy Valentine Note (You Pull My Heartstring)
Optional: Decorations for Labels (stickers, markers, etc)
Ideas for Child Tasks:
Decorate Label
Sign Name
Stick Label on Construction Paper
Ball the Yarn

You Put a Spring in My Step
Construction paper
Hole Punch
Labels with Cheesy Valentine Note (You Put a Spring in My Step)
Optional: Decorations for Labels (stickers, markers, etc)
Ideas for Child Tasks:
Decorate Label
Sign Name
Stick Label on Construction Paper
Use Hole Puncher
Thread Slinky through hole in card
Construction paper
Hole Punch
Labels with Cheesy Valentine Note (You Put a Spring in My Step)
Optional: Decorations for Labels (stickers, markers, etc)
Ideas for Child Tasks:
Decorate Label
Sign Name
Stick Label on Construction Paper
Use Hole Puncher
Thread Slinky through hole in card
Preschool Valentines!! That sounds great. It is great that you found perfect gift for your son that he gave to his classmate. I am so inspired by your post and now thinking to organize such a cute Valentine ’s Day party for my Phoenix preschool students. If you have some interesting ideas then please share!